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The M4 Signout

May 7, 2019

The effect of constant evaluation and how medical school can warp our motivations [10 minutes].

May 6, 2019

Medical student experiences with patient death and coping [8 minutes].



Anderson, W.G., Williams, J.E., Bost, J.E., & Bernard, D. (2010). Exposure to death is associated with positive attitudes and higher knowledge about end-of-life care in graduating medical students. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 11,...

May 5, 2019

The stories of three medical students who transitioned to medicine from other careers [10 minutes].

May 4, 2019

The ups and downs of the clerkship (M3) year of medical school [8 minutes].

May 2, 2019

Fitting in, feeling left out, and adapting to medical school at the very beginning [10 min].